Effective Meetings: 20 Sure-Fire Tools (PTEM)
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Effective Meetings: 20 Sure-Fire Tools (PTEM)
Authors: Glenn Parker
“A successful meeting is not measured by starting on time, having a great agenda, getting everyone involved, or even serving healthy muffins. While all these factors are important…a great meeting is simply one that achieves its objectives—in other words, where a problem is solved, a decision is made, a plan is developed, a question answered, or some other specific outcome is accomplished.”
In Volume II of The Parker Team Series, Effective Meetings: 20 Sure-Fire Tools, author Glenn Parker will help you achieve your desired outcomes. This easy-to-read book will guarantee better meeting results, whether it is an on-site team meeting, a tele-meeting, or a cross-cultural meeting.
About the Author
Glenn is the author of some 16 books including several best-sellers such as Team Payers and Teamwork, Rewarding Teams: Lessons from the Trenches, and Cross Functional Teams: Working with Allies, Enemies and Other Strangers; widely used instruments such as the Parker Team Player Survey and manuals for practitioners such as 50 Activities for Team Building, 25 Instruments for Team Building, and Team Workout: 50 Interactive Activities.
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