Facilitators Tool Kit
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Facilitators Tool Kit
Authors: Lynn Kearny
Everything you need to effectively lead a team, plan group meetings, and foster team decision-making is now available in one handy toolkit. This collection of fully reproducible activities and techniques will benefit training specialists, supervisors, managers, team leaders and anyone else whose job success depends on the results produced by groups. It includes practical guidelines for managing every aspect of a group or team setting.
If your organization is relying on team and group work to improve business processes, define needs, even reengineer the organization itself, this collection of activities and techniques will get you the results you need from your teams. Contents:
- Creative Thinking with Groups
- The Specific directions for leading a group from idea to
- Six Basic Group Needs-How to troubleshoot a group that's
- Managing Process-Tips on keeping your group focused and
- The Toolkit-Includes 49 fully reproducible tools and
activities for developing ideas and solving problems with groups, including:
- Brainstorming
- Force Field Analysis
- Manipulative Verbs
- Upward Delegation
- Gantt Chart
- Data Dump
- Ideaweaving
- Poll the Group
- Jury of Peers
- User's Guide for Selecting Tools
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