Influencing Style Clock: Online Assessment
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Influencing Style Clock: Online Assessment
Authors: Jon Warner
This 32 item, online assessment helps employees identify and improve the ways they influence others at work. It is a powerful tool for leadership training, team building, career counseling, personal development and sales training.
Overview This assessment determines the degree to which you use each of four influencing strategies with the emphasis on strengthening your weakest influencing styles and understanding when each style is most appropriate.
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When to Use the Influencing Style Clock - With any employees who need to learn how they influence others in order to improve their effectiveness in the workplace.
- With team leaders, internal consultants, trainers and project managers or others who need to influence without direct authority.
- With sales and customer service people who need to influence customers and recognize the best influencing strategy to use with an individual customer.
- As an introductory training activity on Influencing styles to teach participants about their own predispositions and how to use all influencing styles when they are most appropriate.
- As the center piece of a 1-day facilitated training workshop on influencing styles.
Benefits · Influencing Styles Clock feedback report — Displays the participant’s primary and secondary influencing styles. The report provides positive uses for each of the four influencing styles, information on applying influencing styles and how to develop your less used influencing styles. · Easy to administer – The online administrative component is easy for both administrators and participants, yet provides administrators key control over the distribution of results. · Relevant feedback – In addition to your specific profile information the feedback report contains an Individual Development Plan template that can be used individually or in a class for setting goals, recording development actions, and progress toward goals. Features · Measures 4 Influencing styles through 32 items, and provides a wealth of information on how to apply influencing styles more effectively and use all 4 influencing styles when each is most appropriate. · Worded in simple, understandable and behavioral terms allowing any participant, regardless of education or English language proficiency, to understand and provide accurate ratings. · The report is broken into ten smaller reports. Reports begin with an introduction to Influencing styles followed by your individual assessment results and then detailed explanations of how to use your style information. For more information about our on-line assessments, call 1-800-822-2801.
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