The #1 Video-Based Management Assessment and Development Program available in the marketplace today!
This is it – The Complete Management Development Solution that you have been seeking. MAP2 - New and Improved! This widely popular management solution provides a video
based assessment of 12 fundamental managerial competencies that are linked to a
targeted training program in Managing to Excel2. Used by fortune 500 companies worldwide, MAP2
allows you to pinpoint training needs before implementing training thus guaranteeing
measurable performance improvement and efficient use of limited training
dollars. Click here for more information. Click here for a quick demo now!
(MAP2) The Managerial Assessment of Proficiency® Competency-Based Assessment & Training “I’ve been in organizational development and manufacturing for many years. In all my years of experience, I’ve rarely seen the impact made by MAP2 and Excel2 in the day-to-day performance of employees. We had a 43% improvement in the 12 competencies measured by MAP2 due to the Excel2 Training and coaching. “
“I can’t think of a better training dollar I’ve ever invested”
Overview: The Managerial Assessment of Proficiency (MAP2) is the premier assessment of managerial competence in the marketplace. MAP2 is a video driven, competency based assessment that provides participants an objective rating of proficiency in 12 fundamental managerial competencies and important information on 10 styles and values. In 11 video episodes, Bill Taylor and his team of four supervisors exhibit a range of managerial competencies as they simulate what happens during a typical workweek. Participants can see parallels from their own experience base as they evaluate the actions of Taylor and his coworkers. MAP2 is a proven tool for pinpointing and charting managerial strengths and weaknesses as compared to norms developed from the 100,000 managers and supervisors who have taken MAP2. With MAP2 you can objectively identify the area of greatest developmental need. Targeted training workshops are available for each MAP2 competency with our Managing to Excel2 program.
Click here to learn more about the 12 EXCEL2 workshops, or purchase them individually.
Superior Buy In: MAP2 provides superior buy-in by all company stakeholders, so that you can rest assured that all your managers have attained basic competency skill levels.
- Participant’s buy-in because the MAP2 assessment videos depict realistic management scenarios.
- Trainer’s buy-in because objective MAP2 data provides objective information on competence based on correct and incorrect responses.
- Management buys-in because aggregate training needs are objectively identified and targeted training materials are available to close skill gaps fast.
Key Features:
- Available in online or classroom based assessment formats
- New streamlined questionnaire cuts assessment administration time by 50%.
- Comprehensive Trainer’s Guide provides everything needed to administer the assessment online or in classroom format, coach participants on their competency results and link style information with competency scores.
- Over 100,000 managers assessed. Individuals are compared to a large normative group. Industry based norms are available for review.
- The 12 competencies assessed in MAP2 are directly linked training workshops, each focused on a single competency.
Contact us:, 1-800-822-2801 ext 1133