The Manager's Pocket Guide to Generation X (MPGGX)
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The Manager's Pocket Guide to Generation X (MPGGX)
Authors: Bruce Tulgan
This book explains in simple terms what makes Generation X employees different, and how to put their unique skills and characteristics to work on behalf of your organization. An essential resource for managers to recruit, train, motivate, and retain young employees.
How do we recruit and train the best and the brightest X'ers? How do we keep them challenged and productive? And how do we keep the best ones from moving on?
If you find yourself asking questions like these, you can't afford not to have the Manager's Pocket Guide to Generation X! This concise, hands-on guide will enable managers to recruit, train, motivate, and retain young employees. It explains in simple terms what makes Generation X employees different, and outlines how you can put their unique skills and characteristics to work on behalf of your organization.
- A concise description of Generation Xers and why they're uniquely suited to help their employers compete effectively in the new global marketplace.
- Answers to the most commonly asked questions about Generation X *Are they really slackers? Do they really have short attention spans? Why do they seem to need so much feedback?)
- Several self assessments so that managers can get immediate feedback on their knowledge and perceptions about Generation X
- 50 case studies in which Xers explain in their own words which management styles are effective with their generation, and which ones are not and why
Inside Book
- Introducing Generation X in the Workplace
- Recruiting and Selecting the Stars of Generation X
- Orientation for New Employees--Sending the Right Message
- Communicating with Gen-Xers in the Workplace
- Training Gen-Xers in the Workplace
- Mentoring Generation X
- Gen-Xers and Corporate Culture
- Managing the Creative Process of Gen-Xers
- There is More than Money at the Bottom Line
- A new Approach to Retention: Leaving without Really Leaving
- Management Pitfalls: Avoiding the Most Common Complaints
- Case Studies: Real Life Stories from Gen-Xers in the Workplace
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