Performance Under Pressure
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Performance Under Pressure
Authors: Bruce Tulgan
This 160-page pocket guide is for self-managing stress and managing stress in others. Poses practical strategies for how to deal with time, anger, people, fatigue, evaluation pressures and more.
Everyone in the workplace is under stress--including your employees. The good news is that, with training, employees can learn how to work well under pressure.
this practical pocket guide for managers will teach you how to channel stress to enhance your own performance and the performance of those you manage.
You can alleviate the negative effects of stress in your workplace and organization, in teams and individuals, by applying the straightforward guidelines you'll find here.
Performance Under Pressure: Managing Stress in the Workplace focuses on the two essential skills required to perform well under pressure:
- Perceiving a situation in an optimal way
- Using the physiological boost associated with stress to your advantage
The book presents new and proven strategies for dealing with time, anger, people, fatigue and evaluation pressures. And it introduces an effective four-step method for optimal energy management.
Topics Include:
- Managing the stressed-out employee: Signs and symptoms to look for and how to productively discuss the problem with the employee
- Self-assessment and other tools for developing effective stress management skills and habits
- The costs of poorly managed stress and the potential benefits of well-managed stress
- Organizational best practices for stress management in your work group or organization.
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