Performance Skills Teams Courseware Collection (PSTCC)
Product Code: PSTCC |
With this limited time special offer you will receive 10 customizable, interactive, experiential, soft skills team development courses ranging in length from 2 1/2 hours to 2 days that come complete as Microsoft Word files, but can also be edited to match your specific situation. Each workshop includes:
- Pre and Post Tests
- Lesson Plans
- Workshop Outline
- Trainers Quick-Start
- Instructors Guide
- Participant Coursebook
- Participant Evaluation Form
- Self and Supervisor Development Planning Worksheets
- PowerPoint® Presentation
- Unlimited ability to modify, re-brand, and print any of these training resources at a single site in any quantity
These 10 Team Competency Workshops work together as an integrated team development solution or each workshop, (which focuses on a single competency), can be used surgically to address a specific team’s most pressing needs. PS Teams workshops were developed with these instructional design priorities:
- Emphasis is on experiential activity based learning that facilitators can quickly grasp and deliver, while keeping learners moving and involved. Not only do learners practice skill applications, they more readily remember what they’ve learned and transfer it to their work.
- Easy customization. Files are provided in Microsoft Word and use a common format; modular organization enables customized workshops to be fitted together with lego-like simplicity.
- The real customization power of these workshops is a format designed for instructors to be able to customize the content and exercises “within modules” to the organization context. In essence, you can re-author and re-brand this training by using your internal expertise with your business and with the unique development priorities of your learners.
- Multiple format exercises to appeal to all learning styles. There are optional videos, assessments integrated into workshop content, and a wide variety of other experience based activities that use practice and application to develop competency.
- Organization Outcomes. Each primary learning objective achieves hard results that translate to more skilled professionals and productivity improvement.
- Each workshop includes an Instructor’s Guide, Participant Coursebook, Power Point Presentation, Pre- and Post tests, a Trainers Quick-Start, and development planning templates for the both self and supervisor.
Uniquely Affordable, you’ll save thousands on custom designed training by using your own internal staff, and the result will be superior training and motivated learners that appreciate training customized to context.
The Performance Skills Teams Courseware Collection includes 10 of our best selling team competency workshops, newly updated and revised, to a “customization friendly” format.
Or buy Professional Skills Courseware Collection and receive 8 distinct, 1-2 day soft skills courses, professionally developed from award winning instructional design standards in a form which you can customize and re-customize as your learner audience or the business environment evolves.
You own the programs you purchase. You will receive Microsoft Word and Power Point files. Instructors need only review the Trainers Quick-start to orient themselves to the training resources and they’re ready to prepare for training that achieves organization outcomes. Print the materials on demand. Rename the workshops. Reconfigure training or manipulate exercises, you can do anything you want to do to achieve your learning and your organization objectives. A custom solution you can deliver at a cost that beats off-the-shelf prices.
Features and Benefits
- No annual fee or license fee
- Microsoft Word and Power Point files
- Standardized, expert instructional design
- Timeless content
- Flexible format
- Competency focused
- Organization Outcome focused
- Provided with a job-aid to assist trainers in customizing the content should they decide to do so.