Polarity Thinking
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Polarity Thinking
Authors: Bonnie Wesorick
The legacy of today’s interprofessional health care leaders will be the successful transformation of the healthcare system at the point of care. Most healthcare leaders and providers are masters of problem solving. However, the major issues haunting healthcare today are combinations of problems and polarities. When healthcare professionals are not clear about how to differentiate between problems and polarities, they waste time, money and energy.
The readers, whether executives, clinicians, managers, educators, researchers or consultants will learn how to differentiate problems from polarities and learn to use a principle-driven framework that explains how to leverage all polarities. The identification of common polarities, both simple and complex, that exist in every healthcare setting will help the reader to understand how this new way of thinking is the missing logic that will help them to achieve sustainable change, stop the waste of time, money and energy and move their goals beyond just fixing problems to creating new possibilities.
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