This manual contains four sets of job simulation exercises, each comprising a number of activities that can be run in sequence or as stand-alone sessions. The simulations can be used for assessment centers or for training. For assessment purposes, there are two optional competence frameworks: managerial and professional.
Each activity works as follows:
1) Participants are required to analyze information about the situation and prepare to support a specific, allocated project at a meeting;
2) Then, working as teams, the participants share information, choose one of the projects, and select project team members;
3) The teams are given more information so they can prepare a project plan, including a cash flow forecast;
4) Finally, each team is expected to manage the project remotely, dealing with various problems that arise as the simulation unfolds.
The simulations are “coded” for certain types:
1) Recommendation—Meetings where participants have conflicting aims
2) Contingency—Activities where interruptions must be handled
3) Planning—Activities where participants must prepare plans
4) Combined—Recommendations, Planning, and Contingency activities being run in sequence