Dealing With Conflict Training Power Pack
Product Code: DCITP |
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Dealing with Conflict is one of our best selling assessments. This quick and easy to use assessment is a significant improvement over conventional conflict assessments with clearer and more user-friendly results and helpful support material. Use the flexible facilitation materials to deliver a training session from 2 hours to a full day.
With the Dealing With Conflict Training Power Pack you get: - Your own Assessment Center, Customizable with Your Logo and Contact Details
- Comprehensive Facilitator Guide – Customizable
- Slide Show - Customizable
- 10 Online Assessments
Benefits - Participants learn about their own natural style tendencies.
- More proactive problem solving and fewer bottlenecks caused by conflict.
- Enhanced communication and teamwork while greatly lowering workplace stress.
- Increased productivity and enhance decision-making.
- Use the Style Selector job aid to quickly identify the right approach to future conflict.
- Easy Online access and administration
- Assessment can be completed in 10 minutes.
- Similar in style to the Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument.
- Flexible facilitation options with our improved Modular Facilitation Guide allowing for shorter of more involved training sessions.
- Comprehensive Slideshow.
- Customizable resources.
Online Report The new online assessment produces a comprehensive report of results that makes it easy to use this best selling assessment for effective self-directed learning or classroom style training. The 22 page feedback report includes: - Graphs of the participants results in the five conflict styles and includes a percentile comparison of the participants scores to the scores of the general population.
- A guide to conflict handling styles that outlines the implications of the participant’s scores across all five conflict styles.
- A detailed skill building section on the use of the collaborative style, which is the preferred style for more business situations.
- An explanation of conflict IQ and how to improve your conflict IQ.
- The effect of conflict on employee motivation.
- Anger management practices
- The Conflict Situation Selector exercise, which is a separate assessment activity to teach participants how to select the optimal conflict style for every situation.