Manager's Pocket Guide to Virtual Teams
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Manager's Pocket Guide to Virtual Teams
Authors: Richard Bellingham, Ed.D.
This book is full of new ways to overcome the barriers created when people work in different locations: How to create a forum for idea-sharing, solve problems among people from multiple functions, keep everyone in the “virtual loop,” prevent things from slipping through the cracks, keep members up-to-date on changes and decisions, and much more.
Learn how to handle the new opportunities and challenges when managing virtual teams that work in different locations and come from different disciplines, departments—even organizations.
The book is full of fresh, new ways to overcome the unique and sometimes overwhelming barriers: How to create a forum for idea-sharing, solve problems among people from multiple functions, keep everyone in the “virtual loop,” know when the team needs to meet in person vs. via technology, prevent things from slipping through the cracks, keep members up-to-date on changes and decisions, and much more.
Explore how workforce technology can enable members to work together on projects&emdash;regardless of geographic location. Workforce technology is a collection of computer software applications developed to work in tandem with laptops, e-mail, faxes, modem, and satellite transmission.
Selected Contents
- Business Drivers
- The Impact of Teaming
- What Are Virtual Teams?
- The Role of Technology
- Team Technology Supports Collaboration
- Implications for Organizational Dynamics
- Identify make-or-break issues
- Develop the Goals and Objectives
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