The Project Manager's Partner: A Step-byStep Guide to Project Management (PMP2)
Product Code: PMP2 |
Price: |
| | 1 9 | $49.95 | 10 24 | $47.45 | 25 49 | $44.96 | 50 + | $42.46 |
Like its predecessor, The Project Manager’s Partner Second Edition , (2014, paperback) draws its inspiration from The Project Management Institute's Guide to PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), seeking to provide specific how-to-do-it tips for achieving many of the PM practices identified in PMBOK. Organized around 20 Key Project Manager Actions and Results, the lion’s share of the book is devoted to providing new project managers with the tools to take any of these actions and get quality results.
Compared to the original Project Manager's Partner, the second edition has a completely restructured introduction to project management (PM) basics, presenting the reader with just enough background on the field of PM to provide a foundation for using the tools. Part I concludes by providing readers with a hands-on assignment designed to help them develop a unique Project Life Cycle as the foundation for a project they may be planning. Building on this unique life cycle, Part II provides another assignment which encourages readers to identify which of the Key Project Manager Action Items in Part III they will need to start planning their projects-- so the emphasis on hands-on performance begins early!
This edition also includes an entirely new discussion (with a samples and worksheets) on the distinction between estimating effort versus estimating durations for activities.
Finally, the author has drawn on his recent experiences implementing the Partner in training and consulting engagements to create many powerful new PM tools (guidelines, checklists, worksheets). In addition to all of the tools and examples found in the original Partner, this second edition contains 25 new items, bringing the new Partner’s total number of tools to support project management to 57!
The Project Manager's Partner is designed so that it can "stand alone" and be of immediate value to novice project managers. The tools may be used out-of-sequence, so project managers need not read through the entire book to apply a tool. For example, if you are involved in developing a schedule, you may simply turn to the tool which deals with developing a schedule and get right to work.