Price: | | 1 9 | $149.95 | 10 24 | $142.45 | 25 49 | $134.96 | 50 + | $127.46 |
Authors: Louis Tagliaferri
Tuscan Shadows develops key communication and team skills.
Tuscan Shadows is a unique training activity that captivates
participants with its colorful, exciting audio/visual format. The
activity is in the form of a PowerPoint slide show that tests the
ability of employees to observe and memorize pictorial detail and then
share their observations with members of their team in an effort to
reach team consensus. The scenario for the activity is a visual tour
along the many roads that lead to the picturesque region of Tuscany in
Each scene is presented to employees for a limited time and is then followed by a multiple choice test that measures how well employees recall details of the scene.
In a subsequent team discussion employees try to reconcile any differences among their observations and agree on a team decision. A comparison of their individual and team scores shows whether they were successful in achieving a synergistic decision.Excellent for all levels of the organization.
Can be conducted in about 1.5 to 2 hours including debriefing. Includes slide show file and separate files for fully reproducible activity test answer forms and activity administration manual with facilitator guidelines and scoring information. Use it again and again as often as you want!
Fully reproducible masters of all participant and facilitator materials with PowerPoint® slides.
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