The Manager's Pocket Guide to Creativity
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The Manager's Pocket Guide to Creativity
Authors: Alexander Hiam
Use this guide to unleash the creative potential in others by understanding the key enablers and barriers to creativity. Directed creativity is possibly the most important problem solving skill.
Is there a secret to creativity? Can a simple change in the way we think about problems dramatically cut the cycle time for generating state-of-the-art solutions? Yes! And this book will show you how. It presents practical tools and suggestions for creative thinking while never losing touch with the essential components of the process: its looseness, its freedom, its risk-taking. You'll learn how the elements of creative thinking-the methods that help us get "un-stuck"-can themselves be creative. What better way to drive home the power of the creative thought process than to go out on a limb and be creative about creativity! Includes: - Personal Creativity Assessment
- Checklist of common workplace behaviors that block creativity
- A realistic, useful model of the creative thought process
- Creative thinking methods-process tools that help you "do" creative thinking
- Training Transfer Assessment
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