HRD DiscStyles Online Assessment
Price: | | 1 9 | $59.00 | 10 24 | $56.05 | 25 49 | $53.10 | 50 99 | $50.15 | 100 199 | $49.00 | 200 + | $49.00 |
HRD DiscStyles Online Assessment
Authors: Dr. Tony Alessandra
The HRD Press DISCStyles assessment has been crafted specifically to assist organizations in understanding how behaviors impact the success of their employees—and how it all links to the bottom line.
The HRD Press DISCStyles Online AssessmentBased on theories originally developed by Dr. William Marston in the late 1920’s, and adapted for effortless facilitation and corporate buy-in, our DISCStyles assessment is a highly validated tool trusted by several Fortune 500 companies, the United States Military, and professional consultants worldwide. This easily administered 30-item assessment includes use of three interpersonal settings to maximize contextual authenticity (work, home, social). Each of the three standard interpretive graphs are plotted enabling a complete view of your preferred style, and since the DISCStyles assessment can be completed in only 10–15 minutes you gain valuable time for individual coaching sessions or group discussions. Click Here to Download a Sample Report Product Benefits: - Gain awareness of personal strengths and motivations
- Uncover career development opportunities
- Improve methods for interpersonal communication
- Enhance conflict resolution ability
- Build and strengthen teams
- Improve professional relationships internally and externally
Additional Resources- Facilitators Guide
- Comprehensive Power Point
- Team Reports
- Collaboration Reports (how to best communicate with another individual)
DISCStyles is the premier behavioral style assessment available today. The goal of DISCStyles is to understand personal chemistry and enhance relationships. Once you know your own personality and behavioral style characteristics, it will be easy to see what drives those around you and your options for dealing with them more successfullyYou Will Learn: - Your Behavioral Style Tendencies, Strengths, and Struggles
- Your Management Strategies and What Motivates You
- Your Communication Preferences
- About the Four Basic DISC styles
- How to Identify Another Person’s Style
- How to Use Adaptability for Greater Success
Online DISCStyles / Code...DISCO2 / $59.00 Available as a paper-based assessment / Pack of 5 / Code...DISC / $95.00 FREE Sample DISCStyles —Call 1-800-822-2801
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